Home Computing Commodore C64

Are you keeping up with the Commodore? Lyrics

Published 21 August 2020

I reveal the full lyrics to the famous commercial by Commodore for the Commodore C64. Everyone knows this advertisement by the chorus, Are you keeping up with the Commodore? Let us re-live the enjoyment of the original commercial and see what makes this adverisement so good. To my ears, the advertisement sounds as fresh today as it did back in the 1980s.

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Are you keeping up with the Commodore? Full Lyrics

In a world of fun and fantasy
And ever changing views
And computer terminology
Commodore is news

Are you keeping up with the Commodore?
'Cause the Commodore is keepin up with you!
Are you keeping up with the Commodore?
'Cause the Commodore is keepin up with you!
Are you keeping up?
'Cause the Commodore is keepin up with you!
Are you keeping up?
'Cause the Commodore is keepin up with you!

In a world of high technology
And ever changing moods
In a world that's full of make believe
And changing attitudes
Are you keeping up with the Commodore?
'Cause the Commodore is keepin up with you!

Are you keeping up with the Commodore?
'Cause the Commodore is keepin up with you!
Are you keeping up with the Commodore?
'Cause the Commodore is keepin up with you!

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