Interesting Commodore 64 Books

C64 Assembly
Game Programming
(read online)

Secrets of the
Commodore C64
(read online)

Anatomy of the
Commodore C64
(read online)

The Elementary
Commodore C64
(read online)

Tricks and Tips for
the Commodore C64
(read online)

Commodore C64
(read online)

Commodore Puzzle Book
BASIC brainteasers
(read online)

Impossible Routines for
the Commodore C64
(read online)

Learning Commodore
(read online)

McGraw-Hill C64
Program Factory
(read online)

Introducing C64
Machine Code
(read online)

Advanced C64
Machine Code
(read online)

Lockpick Book 1
cracking software
(read online)

Lockpick Book 2
cracking software
(read online)

Peeks & Pokes
for the C64
(read online)

Instant Activities
for your Commodore C64
(read online)

Exploring Adventures
on the Commodore C64
(read online)

Create your own
Database Adventure Game
(read online)

Graphic Art
on the Commodore C64
(read online)

Horse Racing
with your Commodore C64
(read online)
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