Commodore 64 & Peripherals: A Complete User Manual Library
Updated 6 January 2024

Best Commodore 64 Recommendations
It can be challenging taking your first steps into the retro world if 8-bit microcomputing. We rate the best Commodore C64 manuals published.
- Commodore 64 User's Guide, Commodore Computer (1982)
- Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference, Commodore Computer (1982)
- Troubleshoot & Repair your Commodore C64, Art Margolis (1985)
- Commodore 64 Service Manual, Commodore Computer (1992)
- NMOS 6510 Unintended Opcodes, groepaz/solutions (2017)
Commodore 64 User Manuals for sale
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Commodore C64 Manuals

Commodore 64
User's Guide
(read online)

Commodore 64
Programmer Reference
(read online)

Commodore C64
Service Manual
(read online)
Commodore SX64 Manuals
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Toubleshoot & repair
your Commodore C64
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Modem Module
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C64 Unintended
Opcodes manual
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