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Honeywell 316 - the famous "Kitchen Computer"

Updated 6 January 2021

Honeywell may well have advertised this amazingly beautiful machine as the First under-$10,000 16-bit machine from a major computer manufacturer, but others will always remember this as the first Kitchen Computer. I think that this is the most beautiful early computer to be built and would have been suitable on the set of Space 1999 or 2001: A space odyssey.

Honeywell 316 Kitchen Computer

The byline on this advertisement reads, "If she can only cook as well as Honeywell can compute.&. We don't know what the advertizers were thinking when they came up with this advertisement. The Honeywell 316 machine looks so beautiful and futuristic and is totally out of place in a brown-on-brown kitchen.

The Honeywell 316 can in two significant form factors. The most common form factor is the standard box form of its time, and then the beauty of the ultra-modern desk version. We have trawled throughmany computer museum and hobby sites and couldn't find much information on this specific version of the Honeywell 316. We recommend looking at this hilarious write up...

Valerie Aurora meets her H316 Kitchen Computer

Valerie Aurora meets her H316 Kitchen Computer

I do not know Valerie Aurora personally but I found this wonderful article. Valerie has gone back in time when husbands could buy the Honeywell Kitchen Computer from the latest Nieman Marcus catalog. The kicthen computer is both functional and stylish and perfect for impressing your wife on her birthday.

Reference Articles

Honeywell 316  Wikipedia Article

Honeywell 316
Wikipedia Entry
(external page)

Honeywell 312 Computer Brochure from 1970

Honeywell 312 Brochure
from 1970
(external page)

Photo Gallery

Honeywell H312 form factor varieties
The three main Honeywell H312 form factors
Honeywell H312 Kitchen Computer
Honeywell H312 Kitchen Computer suggested usage

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