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The Bell & Howell MAILMOBILE Robot: A Glimpse into Automated Office Delivery

Updated 22 May 2024

Hi! My name is Egore, and I am the Bell & Howell MAILMOBILE Mailroom Automation Robot. I am a robot that follows invisible tracks around the office. I can stop at pre-programmed locations so office administration staff can unload paper and mail administration activities.

A swarm of Bell & Howell MAILMOBILEs preparing to attack a defence office worker. Quick run!

Origins and Development

Bell & Howell, a company primarily known for its cameras and projection equipment, ventured into robotics to address the inefficiencies of manual mail delivery. The MAILMOBILE was introduced in the mid-1970s as a self-guided vehicle capable of navigating the corridors of corporate offices, delivering mail and small packages.

How it Works

Bell & Howell MAILMOBILE mailroom automation robot

The MAILMOBILE was designed to be an autonomous, self-guided vehicle that could seamlessly integrate into an office environment. Here’s a closer look at how it functioned:

MailMobile in Operation

We have very rare footage showing the MAILMOBILE mail robot in operation. We have also added artwork from the Bell & Howell brochure that compliments this video nicely. The MAILMOBILE was marketed around 40 years ago as the ultimate office robot.

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Impact on Office Efficiency

The introduction of the MAILMOBILE Robot marked a significant improvement in office efficiency. By automating mail delivery, companies could reallocate human resources to more critical tasks, thereby improving overall productivity. Additionally, the novelty of having a robot deliver mail added a futuristic element to the workplace, often boosting employee morale.

MailMobile in Science Fiction?

While Egore the MAILMOBILE might not have starred in any science fiction tales, the concept of automated delivery robots has certainly inspired many sci-fi stories. Think of Isaac Asimov's robots, the autonomous systems in "2001: A Space Odyssey," or even the whimsical robots in "The Jetsons." The MAILMOBILE was an early, real-world counterpart to these fictional robots, quietly doing its job and paving the way for the more glamorous robots of the future.


While the MAILMOBILE Robot may seem primitive compared to today's advanced robotics, it laid the groundwork for future innovations in automated delivery systems. Its legacy can be seen in the development of modern autonomous vehicles used in various industries, from warehouses to hospitals.

Bell & Howell MAILMOBILE mailroom automation robot


The Bell & Howell MAILMOBILE Robot was a pioneering technology in the realm of office automation. By addressing the need for efficient mail delivery, it showcased the potential of robotics in enhancing workplace operations. Although it is now a relic of the past, the MAILMOBILE remains a fascinating example of early robotic innovation.


  1. MailMobile brochure (pdf)
  2. RICM Mailmobile (external)

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