Rotronics Portable Computer Case
This piece of kit is ideal for many of us neat freaks who demand order but do not have the original foam wrapped in flimsy cardboard packaging that came with your original Commodore. This packaging should also keep your precious retro-equipment safe from UV destruction, moisture, and accidental physical impact.
It would have taken some time to knock up a manufacturable case, however, it seems pretty straight forward to order a standard case and cut the foam up to size yourself. Sure, it won't look as professional as this case appears, but it will still make for a great talking point.

The Rotronics brand is an interesting side conversation as well. From the best as we can tell Rotronics dabbled in the 8-bit microcomputing space. Running out of the United Kingdom, Rotronics sold portable cases for the Commodore C64 as well as the other leading microcomputer, the ZX Spectrum. The other interesting product that Rotronics marketed was the Wafadrive. There was a similar product using the same BSR mechanism called the Quick Data Drive (QDD) that is claimed to be 3x faster than the very slow Commodore 1541 drives.
There has been plenty of interest, especially from Twitter posts about this case. I think that this will make the perfect weekend hacker project for TheC64 maxi. Surely there must be some imitation projects out there.
Computer Case Company

The Computer Case Company belives that it is an open and shut case. The advertisement appeared in 1982 and marked to the simarlarly sized Commodore VIC20 and the new Commodore 64. They have a point. Commodore computers are precious cargo. If you load and unload your computer every time you want to move it, you must consider the possible damage. The Computer Case Company has solved your computer protection problem. Once your retro-computer gear is safely inside the attache-style carrying case, it never has to be taken out again. Simply remove the lid, connect the power, and operate. For storage, disconnect the power, enclose your disks, working papers, and manuals in the compartments provided, and attached the lid.
One thing that is not clear is if the equipment can be used in the case. Or does the computer need to be taken out of the carry case for each use.
This custom sized computer carry case must be deceptively large. A Commodore breadbin computer and the full sized disk drive is quite the combination. The weight distribution is not balanced. There is a single handle in the middle. The weight loading is at the front. This must have been uncomfortable to carry. I prefer to have the weight distribution in the middle. Both the computer and the disc drive can be packed in parallel. One can insert the floppy disk in on the side. This configuration is more comfortable to use.