Speculative Science:
Adapting to the
Age of AI
VODER: World's first
voice synthesis
Virtual Racing
influencing culture
Fortnite & Futurama
pop culture
Retrogaming &
Soviet TU-144
Secret Concordski files
Towards Mach 3
Watch the XB-70 Valkyrie
Starbound Odyssey
Elite fiction
Small scale organic hops
production book
Are we living in the
digital dark ages?
Your Digital Memories
Our Silent Crisis
Losing our Culture
5 best sites
for abandonware
Sporting Memories
Yahoo Groups closes
on our digital heritage
Shoebox ceases photo
cloud storage services
Jason Scott
at Fronteers 2017
Jason Scott on
Digital Archiving
Jason Scott on
saving Digital Culture
End of the
It might not be obvious but computers, audio and other random items have a huge retro following. And what better was of celebrating all good things of the past is through wearing some retro-fashion. Can there be few things more enjoyable that pulling on an Atari or closer to our hearts, an Amiga 500 branded t-shirt. So slap on your Nike Cortez running shoes, put your feet up and have a peruse of the lastest fashion of days gone past.