Fred Fish Disks 1 to 25
search results: 1000 disks
💾 Fred Fish Disk 1
This is disk 1 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. This is the very disk that started the most famous 1000 disk public domain collection for the Commodore Amiga.
This disk the following 16 packages; amigademo, amigaterm, balls, colorful, dhrystone, dotty, freedraw, gad, gfxmem, halfbrite, hello, latffp, palette, requesters, speech, and speechtoy. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 2
This is disk 2 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk the following 7 packages; alib, cc, dbug, make, make2, microemacs, and portar. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 3
This is disk 3 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk the following 4 packages; cforth, Fast Formatter, gothic, and roff. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 4
This is disk 4 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk the following 7 packages; MyCLI, banner, bgrep, bison, bm, grep, and kermit. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 5
This is disk 5 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. It contains many of the programs, written by Commodore-Amiga people, that were included in disk number 1. However, they have been cleaned up so that they compile cleanly on the AMIGA, return resources allocated, etc.
This disk the following 21 packages; FreeMapSrc, MandelbrotSrc, SpeechToySrc, cons, input, joystick, keyboard, layers, mouse, parallel, printer, proctest, region, samplefont, serial, singlePlayfield, speech, support, text, timer, and trackdisk. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 6
This is disk 6 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk the following 8 packages; compress, dadc, microemacs, mult, scales, setparallel, setserial, and sort. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 7
This is disk 7 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. This disk contains a port (executables only) of the popular UNIX game Hack, courtesy of John Toebes, 120 H Northington Pl, Cary NC. 27511. This is Version 1.0.1.
This is a full disk package. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 8
This is disk 8 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. It contains the source to Hack, a popular UNIX game ported to the AMIGA by John Toebes. Please read all the associated README files before redistributing with changes.
This is a disk contains the Hack source code package. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 9
This is disk 9 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk the following 5 packages; MVP-FORTH, moire, proff, setlace, and skewb. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 10
This is disk 10 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk the following 9 packages; conquest, dehex, filezap, fixobj, iff, ld, ls, sq.usq, and trek73. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 11
This is disk 11 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk contains two packages, dpslide and pictures. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 12
This is disk 12 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Note that this disk contains a number of programs apparently available only in executable form. I am not real happy with this trend, but had no way of getting in contact with the authors who posted these programs to various BBS's to request source. I have no reason to believe that any of these executable only postings contain any deliberate misfeatures, but you should always use such programs cautiously.
This disk the following 7 packages; ArgoTerm, IconExec, SetAlternate, StarTerm, amiga3d, arrow3d, and images. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 13
This is disk 13 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.It is a grab bag of basic programs, mostly untested. No speekee basic so if these don't work, call someone else.
This disk the following 5 packages; ezspeak, jpad, mandelbrot, ror, and toybox. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 14
This is disk 14 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. This disk contains the first ever public release of two new pieces ofcode, dex and termcap. Also, this is the first disk in the library that includes executables produced with both the Manx and Lattice C compilers, whenever possible. This greatly helps to isolate bugs.
This disk the following 8 packages; amiga3d, beep, dex, dimensions, filezap, gfxmem, gi, and pdterm. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 15
This is disk 15 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.Whenever possible, both Lattice C and Manx C executables are provided. The Lattice executables have the extension .lattice and the Manx executables have the extension .manx. This greatly helps to isolate bugs.
This disk the following 7 packages; Blobs, Clock, Dazzle, Fish, Monopoly, OkidataDump, and Polydraw. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 16
This is disk 16 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. This is a copy of the Amiga Developer's IFF disk, received directly from Commodore-Amiga sources, with permission to place in the library and redistribute. It is unchanged except for: 1) The volume name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk16. 2) This file (README.list16) has been added. 3) The standard library README file README.dist has been added. Enjoy-Fred
This disk the following 9 packages; bat.files, doc.files, ea.executables, executable.files, iff.text, lnk.files, modified.lnk.files, object.files, and other.files. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 17
This is disk 17 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.This is a copy of a H.A.M. (Hold And Modify) graphics demo disk received from a vendor that is producing hardware to capture such images, and software to process them. It is unchanged except for: 1)The volume name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk17. 2) This file (README.list17) has been added. 3 )The standard library README file README.disthas been added. 4) The 'showilbm' program has been added to allow viewing of the two monochrome pictures (dozer.hires and robert.lores) without requiring Deluxe Paint. 5) The supplied 'readme' file has been augmented with information received on hardcopy along with the disk, and a note has been added about how to use the show ilbm program. Enjoy-Fred
This is a full disk package. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 18
This is disk 18 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk the following 7 packages; AmigaDisplay, Ash, Browser, MC68010, Multidim, PigLatin, and Scrimper. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 19
This is disk 19 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk the following 3 packages; BlackJack, JayMinerSlides, and Keymap_Test. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 20
This is disk 20 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk the following 11 packages; AmigaToAtari, DiskSalv, Hash, Hd, MandelBrots, MultiTasking, Pack, PortHandler, Random, SetMouse2, and SpeechTerm. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 21
This is disk 21 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. This is a copy of Thomas Wilcox's Mandelbrot Set Explorer disk. It is unchanged except for: 1) The volume name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk21. 2) This file (README.list21) has been added. 3) The standard library README file README.dist has been added. To run from CLI: 1) cd dfX: (where X is drive containing disk) 2) mseTo run from Workbench: 1) Click on MSD icon. It contains extensive on-line help information, unlike other Mandelbrot programs distributed in this library. It also is capable of displaying some very pretty hi-res pictures in interlace mode .Enjoy-Fred
This is a full disk package. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 22
This is disk 22 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk contains two packages, Lemacs and Pemacs. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 23
This is disk 23 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. This disk contains a significantly enhanced version of microemacs based on the version 30 release posted to usenet's mod.sources newsgroup. Previous versions of microemacs released on these disks derived froma very old version of microemacs. Since that old release, the authorhas cleaned up lots of loose ends and restructured major parts of the code. Other people have already added support for termcap, ports to other machinesand operating systems, and a limited GNU emacs compatibility option.Because recipients of this disk might wish to run this new microemacson other machines in addition to the Amiga, I have encluded all sources that were available to me at the time of release. The subdirectories which give alternate implementations are: Sys/Vms Sys/Atari System modules for Atari STSys/Msdos System modules for MSDOSSys/Cpm86 System modules for CpmSys/Amiga System modules for AmigaSys/Ultrix System modules for Ultrix/BSD4.2Sys/SysV System modules for Unix System VTty/Atari Terminal driver for Atari STTty/7300 Terminal driver for AT&T Unix PC (7300)Tty/Intuition Terminal driver for Amiga using IntuitionTty/Termcap Terminal driver using termcap for UnixTty/Ansi Terminal driver using Ansi codesTty/Amigados Terminal driver for Amiga using just AmigadosTty/Heath Terminal driver for a Heath terminal There currently is a major effort underway on usenet, led by Dave Brower, to standardize microemacs and bring the many variations under one common implementation. Please send any enhancements to rtech!daveb,or send them to me and I will see that he gets them.
This is a disk contains the Ver30 package. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 24
This is disk 24 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk the following 2 packages; Conquest, and Csh. -
💾 Fred Fish Disk 25
This is disk 25 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. This disk contains a port (executables only) of the popular UNIX gameHack, courtesy of John Toebes, 120 H Northington Pl, Cary NC. 27511. This is Version 1.0.1E., with graphics enhancements for the Amiga.
This is a full disk package.