Home Audio AIWA (1976)

AIWA CM-1016 Electret condenser Microphone

Updated 7 August 2021

The AIWA CM-1016 electret condenser microphone was a high-quality microphone released by AIWA in 1976. Many people will describe this microphone shape as a pencil microphone or cigarette microphone. AIWA claims that this microphone is suitable for both voice and live music recording with good performance. The claimed frequency response range is a very wide 50-15000hz which covers almost the full range of human hearing. The pencil styling of this microphone is both vintage and timeless. It is a directional microphone so it is ideal for voice calls and video conferencing in the modern enthusiast setup.

AIWA CM-1016 microphone catalog photo

AIWA CM-1016 Performance Specification

Recommended Usage

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